Art Pieces > Colors Alive Pieces

Pom and Coch 1
Pomegranate and Cochineal on Paper
22 x 30"
Marigold and cochineal
Marigold and Cochineal
22 x 30"
Pomegranate and Cochineal on Paper
22 x 30"
Smile at mistakes, brown!
Buckthorn, marigold, gallnut, oregano. brazilwood on paper
22 x 30"
All pomegranate
22 x 30"
6 relational.
Brazilwood pinks, Gallnuts yellow, Buckthorn, Mistltoe, Oregano, Pomegranate, Lichen
22 x 30"
Marigold and Cochineal ...7
Marigold and Cochineal on Paper
22 x 30"

Colors are made using plants, roots and a famous insect. The colors made from these are always changing with ph sensitivities and iron or tannin influences. Often the hue is completely altered when it meets another dye. Surprises are usually welcome and makes spontaneous painting even more fun.